Senior Spotlights!

Our Senior Spolights are here! This is our way of sharing fun facts featuring some of our amazing seniors. Enjoy!!

Class of 2025

Please join us in congratulating some of our amazing Class of 2025 Seniors in their Spotlights!



We are pleased to introduce . . . Reece! We had such a fun evening. Weather was perfect. Tunes were flowing (with a heavy emphasis on Foo Fighters), and mom and dad joined us as Reece’s personal assistants for the evening! (Thank you guys SO much!)

Reece’s favorite childhood memory is going to NASCAR races! I mean; who knew? Reece’s mom comes from a racing family, and Reece stayed right on track carrying on the family’s interest. (See what we did there?)

Reece’s high school memories to date include placing first at Valleyfest and then second at Valley Showdown during junior year of marching band. Impressive! Hope Reece is able to add to the memories during a successful senior year, too!

Among Reece’s many talents are writing music; band pieces, choir pieces, arrangements of songs, etc. Some day, I’ll be proud to say “I knew Reece when . . .”

After graduation, Reece will most likely head to the University of Northern Iowa. Which kinda makes sense. They’re the Panthers, and Reece is a cool cat. Reece was also featured in our August gallery at Mainframe Studios!

Thank you so much for coming our way for your seniors, Reece! Such an honor, and such a great experience. And thanks, Adam and Tiffany, for entrusting me with Reece’s images! You guys are swell and I’ve loved working with you!

Class of 2024


Meet Sophie!

We’d like to take a moment to say ‘Congratulations!’ and recognize one more Class of 2024 graduate. Please say hello to our friend Sophie! We are so honored that Miss Sophie came to us all the way from England just to get her senior images captured with us!! (Okay, slightly kidding. Sophie moved to the states from across the sea, but it wasn’t just for her seniors. Sounds good though, right!)

Sophie was such a treat to work with! We’ve also had the pleasure of capturing Sophie during show choir season (rock star!) and got the chance for a family shoot this year with Sophie and her whole family!

Some of Sophie’s most vivid childhood memories include time at Disney with her family enjoying Mickey Mouse waffles! (I did not know there was such a thing, so I guess one of us has been missing out!)

Sophie has been playing the ukulele since she got her first one at age 11. She still plays it every day. Her love for the ‘Uke’ (that’s what the cool kids call it) started when she took a class in England. Every kid in music class got a plastic ukulele to play, and from there Sophie was hooked!

One of Sophie’s favorite high school memories was performing at Show Choir nationals in New York with her group Spectrum this past year.  It was a fantastic journey and a great way to spend a week performing with her friends.

Now that she’s graduated from high school, Sophie is enjoying her summer and preparing to attend the University of Iowa in the fall where she will study Biology on a Pre-Med track. So if you hear the sounds of a ukulele flowing from a science lab in Iowa City, it’s most likely Sophie entertaining her fellow Pre-Med students during a much-needed study break.

Thank you, Sophie! We loved working with you and capturing your seniors! All the best at the University of Iowa and beyond. Cheers!


Welcome to our Senior Spotlight featuring Loren! Loren is a kind, soft spoken lad; a humble, accomplished Eagle Scout! For those who know the time and dedication needed for that distinction, you certainly appreciate this young man’s commitment. Becoming an Eagle scout is no small feat. Congratulations, Loren!

Loren’s favorite childhood memory happened in 2019. He went on a Boundary Waters (BWCAW) canoe trip near Canada with his dad, grandpa, and Scout friends. For a little over a week, the crew canoed the boundary lakes and camped. They had to carry everything with them that they’d need for the whole week; food, clothes, camping gear, etc. They also had to carry the canoes from port to port; rain or shine. One night, they were setting up their tents when a large tree began to fall. Loren and his dad had to run quickly to safety to avoid becoming one with the tree! They always call it their near-death experience. I’m glad you made it out safely, Loren. The tree’s bark was apparently worse than its bite. Your senior image session was much more fun with you there.

Surviving the tumbling timber allowed Loren to move on and have another favorite memory in high school. He attended the homecoming dance with his girlfriend and, since the dance was indoors, he did not need to tailor any of his dance moves to dodge trees. They had a great time!

After Loren graduates in the spring, he will attend DMACC and will study in their Human Services program. He’s always wanted to help people in the community, so this appears to be a great fit for him. He’d like to work with the homeless population. Through his church and Scouts, Loren has been able to participate in food and clothing drives and serve food in shelters. Loren’s Eagle Scout project was making hygiene kits for the Central Iowa Shelter & Services. He’s very passionate about working in this area.

This guy has a heart of gold. It may stem from his challenging start. Loren was born a preemie at 27 weeks! After he was born, he spent the next 86 days in the NICU. This may be where the caring and compassion began. I know he’ll use it to help those in need. Well done, Loren! Can’t wait to see how your life unfolds beyond your high school years. Thanks so much for coming our way for your seniors! And thank you, Nicole. It was a pleasure working with you both! Enjoy your images and the rest of your senior year.


We’re pleased to feature Nick in our Senior Spotlight! We’ve had the pleasure of working with Nick and his family the past few years in performance and senior sessions, and it’s been so rewarding! This year, we caught up with Nick by taking two, yes TWO fantastic senior sessions, a summer and an autumn shoot. As expected, we had a great time and some fantastic images as well!

Nick is a talented tennis player. One of his best high school memories was a tennis win over the state’s #3 during his junior year. Impressive! Nick takes his sport seriously and spends time in the off-season working on his game to keep things fresh and improve on his already strong skills. It has paid off and will be a big advantage to Nick beyond high school, as he plans to continue playing in college.

Nick is undecided on his college choice but has it narrowed down to a few. His future college will be lucky to have him. He likes to stay active on vacation, too. His favorite vacation memory was a trip to Grey Wolf Lodge. Time on the court and time in the pool and the slides. Good stuff!

Thanks for coming our way for both your senior sessions this year! Enjoy the rest of your final year of high school. We’ll be excited to hear where you end up next year and know you’ll continue to be a success on and off the tennis court. Lastly, thank you, Eric and Julie, for fun senior sessions with both your boys and several seasons of show choir images over the years. We love working with you and your family!



Join us in celebrating Kenzie in today’s Senior Spotlight! We had great fun with Kenzie and Mom (Jennifer) in both Kenzie’s senior shoots! Kenzie’s beautiful smile and demeanor make her a natural in front of the lens, and we were able to capture her essence in some fun locations. We even got a few shots of her with her favorite horse! Let’s meet her.

Among Kenzie’s favorite childhood memories is the first time she tried snowboarding in Red Lodge, Montana. She had grown up skiing with her family when she’d visit her half-brother and his wife in Montana. Kenzie loved the mountains and the snow for as long as she can remember, so it was no surprise she enjoyed flying down the slopes at outrageous speeds. During one visit when she was around 11 years old, she decided she wanted to put down the skis and give snowboarding a try. She instantly fell in love with the board. While she admittedly wasn’t very good at first, her skills have improved over the past 6 years. She now has her own board and can be found at the small local ski resort in Boone every weekend during the winter months.

Kenzie is a member of the student council which gives her the opportunity to set up and volunteer at school events and activities. Among these are the school’s annual Winter Formal dance, which she has worked on over the past three years. In late February, they host a winter dance for all the high school students. Homecoming is informal at her high school, so Winter Formal is a great opportunity for everyone to get dressed up and enjoy the time together; and it’s always a big hit with the student body. Kenzie loves the experience of seeing all the decorations go up and come together the morning of the dance and to come back to the dance that evening to see it all with the students and her classmates. She’s proud to be a part of it and honored to be a part of such a fun event and amazing school. Fantastic, Kenzie!

Once the high school chapter of her life is through, Kenzie will be heading to The University of Northern Iowa to study psychology with a minor in mental health. Her goal is to become a mental health therapist for kids and teenagers. She’s excited to move on to college and start the next phase of her life. And she’ll have fun doing it!

As we mentioned, we were able to get a few shots of Kenzie with her favorite horse. Kenzie is an animal lover. She loves working with horses. Her family has 6 pets, and 4 of them are rescue animals. Her most unique pet? A gecko named Tuesday!

Thank you for two outstanding sessions, Kenzie, and thank you Jennifer for bringing Kenzie our way! It’s been a pleasure working with you, and we are looking forward to creating your book and prints and to your family image session in the spring!


Our Senior Spotlight features a lovely soft-spoken, fervent reader who loves to garden and fence!

Rosie grew up reading and spent a lot of time at the West Des Moines Library. Her mom would get frustrated because, by the time they got home from the library, Rosie had already read all the books they checked out. I suspect there were a few round trips to the library. Rosie still loves to read in her free time; but now that she’s driving, I’m hoping she waits until she’s home to crack open the books.

During her high school career, Rosie has especially loved spending time working in Valley’s greenhouse. The Greenhouse Club is very positive and rewarding, and Rosie has formed many lifetime friendships through this activity. This year, she has taken on the role of president, so she gets to ensure the club continues to run smoothly. Her favorite part of the year is planting in the spring. The club grows all the plants from seed. She loves to watch how quickly the plants grow, and it’s rewarding to be able to pick the first tomato of the year.

Oh, and fencing. Yes. She has been fencing for eight years, and she’s currently working toward her Assistant Moniteurship certification. Once she has this certification, she can become a nationally recognized fencing coach. I personally cannot tell you the difference between Foil, Épée, and Sabre fencing; but I know Rosie could! I just know I wouldn’t want to be standing across from her on the piste.

After she graduates in the spring, Rosie plans to attend a four-year university to major in English and minor in Legal Studies and/or Marketing. Her goal after college is to become a literary agent.

Thank you so much, Rosie! We enjoyed your shoot and getting to know you a bit. And thank you, Bradley and Rachel, for coming our way for Rosie’s seniors! It’s been a pleasure to work with you, and we can’t wait to put your book and prints together!


Today’s Senior Spotlight features Blue!! Soft spoken, lovely smile, and as you will see, very photogenic! Blue was such a pleasure to work with and brought a personal assistant (a.k.a., ‘Judi’ and ‘Mom’) to the session. Impressive!

Blue will graduate in the spring of 2024. From there, she plans to head east to the University of Delaware. Very cool! While there, the plan is to major in math education and teach high school math.

During COVID-19, Blue used the down time productively and picked up the ukulele. Boring down time = a new instrument. And to this day, Blue picks it up and plays a tune from time to time. Music is a ‘thing’ for Blue.

And speaking of music, Blue has been performing this year as a member of the Centennial Color Guard. Blue will demonstrate a knack for music in Vortex’s inaugural show choir season in 2024. Blue’s group last year was Eternal Rush. At the Linn-Mar competition, the group placed high enough in daytime competition to be selected for and perform in evening finals; a new experience for the majority of the group. For newbies, show choir finals are typically reserved for open division groups. Eternal Rush did so well they ended up placing higher than 3 varsity open division groups and got 3rd overall. Very impressive!!

Congratulations on a great high school career to date, Blue, and thank you Judi (a.k.a., ‘Blue’s personal assistant’) for coming our way for Blue’s seniors. We had a great experience and love the images we were able to capture. Hope you will enjoy them for many years to come. We’ll be capturing performance images of Blue during the upcoming season and could not be happier. Enjoy the rest of your senior year and, if everything adds up (pun intended), all the best in your math education career beyond high school!!


Today’s Senior Spotlight features an outstanding member of the Valley Tiger community who excels and ballet and flute. And she’s got an infectious laugh and beautiful smile to go with her talented musical and dancing mind! We had a fun evening of shooting some great variety and had the chance to bring out some of her favorite things in her session.

Kaitlyn has been involved in dance since she was 4. Impressive! And her grace came to light in front of the lens when she got into ballet mode. Pointe. Pose. Perfect! We got some casual mode shots as well; one of which Kaitlyn chose for her yearbook headshot.

She has loved performing in marching band throughout her high school career. One of the highlights for her was the Valley Fest performance. After graduating next spring, Kaitlyn plans to head to the University of Iowa or Minnesota Twin Cities to study nursing. So if you are in the hospital someday and see a nurse pirouette past playing a flute, chances are Kaitlyn’s in the house!

Thank you, Kaitlyn! Such a fun shoot! Enjoy the rest of your senior year, and good luck with your college decision. And thank you, Jason and Sarah, for joining us and for coming our way for Kaitlyn’s seniors! #classof2024 #seniorpictures #seniorsunday #seniorsunday2024 West Des Moines Community Schools Sarah Weibel


Ladies and Gents, please allow us to present our first Senior Spotlight of the year. Today we feature Katilyn! We had a great time during her shoot and had variety of locations to feature this outstanding Senior. And we’ll be capturing live images of Kaitlyn during her upcoming show choir season. She will grace the stage as a member of Vortex, and we can’t wait to see their show this year.

One of Kaitlyn’s favorite childhood memories was in England. It snowed and she didn’t have a sled. No worries though. Her father took the lid off the trash can, tied a rope to it, and pulled her through the woods. Excellent improvisation and a lifelong memory!

A more recent memory is Kaitlyn joining her friends to storm the field after a football victory. No injuries to report, but between the trash can lid sledding and the football frenzy, sounds like Kaitlyn is no stranger to having fun and enjoying life!

After she graduates this year, she’ll head north to Ames to major in Psychology at Iowa State University.

Thank you so much, Kaitlyn, and thank you Andrea for coming our way for your seniors! We loved working with you! Have an awesome senior year, and we look forward to seeing you on stage this winter!

Class of 2023



Ryan is our talented and gifted senior in today’s Senior Spotlight! He comes to us from Dallas Center-Grimes; the home of the Mustangs! What a great evening of images and a chats with Ryan and his squad. We were able to get some awesome images on the playing field, in natural outdoor settings, downtown Des Moines in the lights of the city, and in the studio to wrap up the evening with a few headshots. So great!!

Let’s talk about Ryan . . .

Ryan has some great memories with his best friend Carsten; playing video games, going to Hidden Acres camp and doing Lego League robotics projects. Ryan spent a lot of time creating Lego masterpieces, like spaceships, a mansion and a flying camper. I don’t know if the spaceships or camper could really get air, and I don’t know that the mansion was an inhabitable dwelling. But with Ryan creating, there’s little doubt they were a sight to behold.

Ryan's best memories from high school are from the band trip to Florida his junior year, where they spent 3 days at Disney and Universal. Hanging out with friends on the 27-hour bus ride, Hagrid's Bike ride, the Rock-n-Roller coaster exclusive night event, eating out at the restaurants, and the hotel stay are all stand-out highlights. But really, the whole trip was filled with great memories.

When you see Ryan, be sure to ask him about his senior year All State Jazz experience. The guy has some serious chops for sure! At the time of this writing, Ryan has auditioned to study jazz at 6 different universities and is still waiting to hear scholarship results from those auditions. One of the standouts is the University of North Texas, but we'll see if any more offers come his way! I know they do things right down in Denton, so if that’s where he ends up, “Bravo!” I know any of the programs will be lucky to have him. How do we know this? Read on . . .

Ryan has been selected for All State Jazz 3 times, and All State Concert Band 3 times. It's an honor just to be selected once! He is an amazing trumpet player and singer as well. He loves to use his musical gifts to serve in church and in the community. Ryan is a humble, talented lad. Add these qualities to his strong work ethic, and the sky’s the limit.

Bob and Michelle; thank you so much for the opportunity. What a great evening and experience. And there’s another Fitch who’ll soon be in front of the lens for his senior image session. Yes, we get to do it all again; and I’m looking forward to it. It was an honor and a pleasure working with you, Ryan! All the best in your pending college decision. You’ll make phenomenal music wherever you go. Enjoy!


Senior Spotlight – Calvin!

This is Mr. Morgan; as in ‘How much Morgan a guy know about music?’. The answer is probably not much. He is a walking encyclopedia of tuneage. And so much fun to work with! Tried to keep him on his toes with music trivia during our sessions, but I was no match. This guy knows his stuff! Calvin taught himself to play acoustic and electric guitar and knows more about modern music history than most humans. And he collects CDs and Vinyl records and thought to bring them to his studio shoot; quite a treat for me! We powered up the stereo and Calvin spun a bit of Sonic Youth on the turntable while he got his photographs taken. Solid. I think I enjoyed it more than Calvin!

Modern music isn’t the only thing Calvin knows. He knows his history, too. Need proof? He won the ‘History Buff’ award in elementary school. So there you go.

Let’s chat about some favorite childhood memories aside from his History Buff certificate. Sounds like he has many other great memories to choose from with vacations to some very cool places! Grand Canyon? Check. New York City? Check. Chicago? Check. Hawaii? Check. California? Check. Guy’s logged some serious miles. Probs closes the ‘Move’ ring on a regular basis, too. He’s in marching band and said his Chicago and NY trips were awesome.

Sonic Youth is a favorite group along with the National, Mars Volta, and Wilco. And his music tastes vary widely. He plays clarinet in marching band, and I’m pretty sure none of these groups are covered in the marching repertoire.

He currently works at the HyVee Deli to support his music collecting hobby. Next time you’re at the deli, order a ½ lb. of pastrami and a side of Mars Volta. That’s sure to get a reaction! Perhaps he’ll hum you a tune while he slices your order.

Calvin plans to head to the University of Iowa next fall to study music production, history, or music journalism. Who knows? With his penchant for music and history, he might even dabble in all three!

Thank you, Stephanie, for coming our way! It was so much fun and a pleasure. And thanks, Reese, for making the trek back from Iowa City to get in a couple photographs with Calvin. And last but certainly not least, thanks, Calvin, for two very fun sessions and my music trivia lesson! It was great meeting you, working with you, and getting to know you. Best of luck the rest of your senior year and beyond!


Trevor is a music dude through and through. He sings, he dances, and he plays, like, 29 instruments or something like that. Since we only had one night to take his pictures, we kept the photos to just the upright bass. Very cool! Difficult instrument for marching band, however, so T keeps the upright indoors for the most part.

 Growing up, Trevor’s favorite memory isn’t just one event. It’s a series of events; growing up alongside a great group of his parents’ friends at Iowa State tailgates. Lots of fun memories for sure, and his fall weekends were filled with funny stories and memory sharing with his parents and friends.

 Trevor’s favorite high school memory came during this last year. He has always loved marching band, and this past year he grew a lot closer with a group of guys ranging through all age groups. They coined the name "Band Boys", and these guys have always made events fun. from the time the “Band Boys” tried to keep a phone call on the field to just wearing matching, hand-made undershirts, Trevor is looking forward to the rest of the year and on with these guys.

 Did we mention Trevor is a music guy? Among his many accolades are his band, show band, and show choir successes. He was also selected for All State Band this past year, and he recently found out he made the Drum Corp International (DCI) Colts. Quite an honor for sure! Congrats, Trevor!

 Trevor will be performing often throughout the rest of his high school career including a spring break trip to NYC and will be performing this summer in the DCI Colts before heading to Iowa State to study Animal Ecology next fall. While in Ames, Trevor will be a proud member of the Iowa State University Varsity Marching Band!

 One final note: The last image requires a brief explanation. Trevor’s dad Jay brought his senior picture to the studio. Through the miracle of modern technology, we were able to morph Trevor onto Jay’s body in a stunning side-by-side comparison. I mean, really; you can’t tell the two apart!!

 Okay, back to serious business. Congratulations on all your success to date, Trevor, and best of luck the remainder of your high school career, your summer performances, and at Iowa State and beyond!


Yes! We’ll all be yellin’ for another Snellen! Sydney is here! Lovely and photogenic young lady! Sydney’s sister came our way just a couple years ago, and now it was Sydney’s turn in the spotlight. 

Thanks so much for coming our way, Sydney; and Jennifer, thanks for entrusting me with more senior images! Shortly after Sydney got her driver’s license, her dad taught her how to drive a stick shift. While this may have been a fun memory for Sydney, I suspect it was a little unsettling for dad as well as anyone on a sidewalk that day. But seriously, way to go! Glad it worked out. As a manual transmission driver, I can attest that this is a fun way to drive, and driving a clutch is slowly becoming a lost art. Have fun!

Sydney enjoys hanging with her friends and attending classes with them. That’s a good thing; because next year she plans to head to DMACC to further her education. Sydney is interested in studying a trade but hasn’t decided which one. No sweat! Once the learning starts, the rest will fall into place. Enjoy the rest of your high school career, your cruises in the manual vehicle, and your soon-to-be successful career in the trades. Enjoy, and all the best in the future!!


We went Country! And had a blast doing it! Peyton is a self-proclaimed ‘Country Girl’, and her shoot was all about it! Great evening, locations, and shots. And lovely Peyton did a fantastic job! The proof is in the pictures, so enjoy a small sample below.

Country tunes going the duration of the shoot and, when she wasn’t smiling or posing, she was singing every word! Peyton has enjoyed her travels during her childhood, with her favorite location being her first visit to Hawaii. More recently, Peyton loved her Junior Prom. I suspect that a country tune or two made an appearance if Peyton had anything to say about it.

Peyton is currently a competitive cheerleader (Go Tribe!). And she demonstrated a couple jumps to start the session. (I opted out, of course. Like to keep my skills under wraps). Peyton proudly honors her grandpa with artwork on her left arm as her images show.

In May, Peyton will graduate and, after a short summer, will join the United States Marine Corp! Thank you for your commitment and service, Peyton! When sis saw a huge American flag in the area, it was a must for one of her images. I love the way that image (and all your images, frankly) turned out. It has been an honor to serve you! And thank you, Jessica, for coming our way for her Senior Images. It was a treat. Enjoy the rest of your high school career, Peyton, and all the best in the Marine Corps and beyond!


Another outstanding Hunter! Two Hunters, four sessions! Yes, we got to do two, yes TWO Senior Sessions with this guy! Lucky us! We had the same opportunity with big brother Mike just a couple years ago. Both gents and all four sessions were fantastic! Loved working with you, Matt! Great smile, great demeanor, awesome images from both his summer and fall sessions!

Matt’s free time is spent hanging out with friends. Rumor has it he can hold his own in Lacrosse, too, and we got the photographs this summer to prove it! So cool!

Matt will be heading north to Ames after graduation. He’ll begin the collegiate chapter of his life at Iowa State University where he’ll study construction engineering. If he does as well in this field as he does constructing a great photograph, he’s sure to excel and succeed!

Thanks so much for the opportunity, Matt! And thank you, Glenn and Annette, for bringing both sons our way. It’s been an honor and a pleasure to serve you.

All the best for a great second half to your senior year and beyond, Matt!


A fierce presence at the hot corner, an outstanding softball player, and one of the most kind, caring humans you’d ever want to meet; that’s Breckin! One of the Jayhawks’ finest graced us with her presence in front of the camera, and the results were as impressive as her swing. What a treat for us, and what amazing images!

Breckin has many fond memories of traveling with her family throughout her childhood. Many of those trips have undoubtedly included softball tournaments. And on those trips, rest assured there was some T. Swift pumping through her AirPods.

Breckin has played competitive softball (almost) since she’s been able to walk. It’s her passion, and it was very apparent by our chats and the number of jerseys she brought to her shoot. Some of her favorite times included playing softball and school softball with her besties. She is the real deal and isn’t afraid to leave it all on the field for her teammates. And good news for softball fans; her journey won’t end when she graduates from Urbandale High School in the spring. She’s officially committed to continue her playing and academic career at (drumroll please . . . ) Luther College! Breckin will undoubtedly make her friends, teammates, and family proud when she takes her talents to the next level.

Off the field, Breckin will spend her time studying Global Health and Exercise Science. Seems like a great fit for a star athlete. Not sure what jersey number she’ll wear in the Norse uniform, but one thing’s for sure; we’ll be cheering for you, 8! Enjoy the rest of your senior year and have an outstanding season and collegiate career!


Lovely, soft spoken, and so easy to work with! Thank you so much, Delaney! I hope you are loving your senior images as much as we are! Let’s tell everyone a little bit about you for your senior spotlight!

I’ve had the pleasure of shooting Delaney’s performances the past few years. So hard to believe this is the last season of her high school career, but it’s sure to be a great one. In addition to great memories from her years of performing on stage, one of Delaney’s fondest high school memories was the fun she had hanging out with friends at After Prom.

One of her most vivid and favorite pre-high school memories was going to the Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas. What an awesome place to chill and make great lifelong memories . . .

Above all these memories, Delaney and her family are blessed by an amazing gift. Delaney’s family was created in a very special way; through adoption! Delaney, Sis, and Mom and Dad love celebrating that fact. And they celebrate in a big way every year on their “A” Day! I can’t think of a greater gift to Delaney and Sis or to David and Melonie than to have found each other to create a beautiful family. Feels like a pretty great story for this time of year.

Thank you again so much for coming my way for your performance and senior images! It’s been a pleasure, and I look forward to capturing your performance journey again during the upcoming season!


I typically mention in our Senior Image consultations that the senior can do a session first thing in the morning if he/she so chooses to take photographs before they head out to school or work or other activities during the summer. When Kyle said right away “Morning’s good!” I had to do a double take. Most seniors opt for afternoon or evening. “We can do pictures first thing”, Kyle said. Not typically a teenage, senior, middle-of-the-summer request; but we did it! Rock on, Kyle! Love your enthusiasm and your images. Well done, Sir!

Kyle’s favorite childhood memories are the times he spent doing things with his family. They would go on ice cream runs together, go to football games with each other, and just hang out with each other on the weekends.

Among the highlights of his high school career to date is his time in show choir. He’s had the opportunity to grow during his time with each group, and it’s been a rewarding path. The success he had with his group last year (Eternal Rush) was fantastic and helped him into his performance group (Spectrum) during the upcoming season. It will be a great way to cap off Kyle’s high school performing journey.

When he’s not hitting the box or rehearsing, Kyle admits to being a bit of an NFL fanatic. He spends a lot of time watching the NFL, learning about players, and keeping up with their stats. Probably not difficult to guess his team of choice after a quick glance at his senior images.

Kyle is a young man of strong faith. After high school, he will be doing a ministry-based gap year called the Ministry School at Hidden Acres. Kyle will head to Dubuque after his gap year to attend Emmaus Bible College in Dubuque, Iowa.

Thank you Aaron and Amy for the opportunity to capture Kyle’s seniors. And again, Kyle, thank you for the morning senior session! Enjoy your images and the rest of your high school experience and beyond!


What a great session and awesome images with this young man! Payton rocks! Soft spoken lover of running and swimming. He, Kari, and John joined us for some downtown shots followed by a trip to a more natural setting to take in so beautiful greenery and water. Could not be happier with the session and the images we captured!

Payton is a Superfan. He loves going to sporting events; not only as an observer but as an athlete himself. At the time of our session, he was in the middle of running cross country. When he came back to look through his images, he was getting ready to start on the swim team. Busy guy who loves his sports!

Payton is a student at Des Moines Roosevelt and is a proud Roosevelt Roughrider (as evidenced by his way-cool Cross Country sweatshirt). Upon graduating in May 2023, Payton plans to head east and become a Hawkeye where he will study and major in Psychology. And I’m sure he’ll manage to get in a run or two in Iowa City.

Thanks so much, John and Kari, for coming our way! It was great to meet you, talk a little music, and work with you on Payton’s seniors. Payton; well done, Sir! Couldn’t be happier with your images and the chance to work with you and get to know you a bit. It was an honor. I hope you’ll enjoy your images for many years to come and have a great senior year. Best of luck at University of Iowa and beyond!


This cat (inside joke) is the epitome of cool. Such a fun, chill, laid back session filled with fantastic images! Bennett is the second Blakeslee Boy with the courage to hang with me for an evening of senior images. Your photos are entirely cool. Love them! A bit about this handsome lad . . .

This guy has thoroughly enjoyed family vacations throughout his childhood and teen years. One fond memory includes a trip to Oregon. He explored lava fields and tidal pools in the pouring rain. He vividly recalls running through the lava field paths back to the car to escape the rain. And the guy can legit scamper, so guessing he didn’t get too wet.

Evidence of his blazing speed? He and his squad won the 4x400 relay at Ames. It was storming (pattern here?) and super windy. Once they were finished the runners had to cool down so everyone left for the bus. Unbeknownst to the squad, the bus had been moved. Bennett and company had to walk (like) a mile to get to it. During this walk and on the whole ride back to Ankeny, nausea was a close companion. But hey, he won, right? So. Cool.

Bennett hasn’t made a final decision on his university or major and whether his post-high school career will include organized track and field, but rest assured he’ll be running somewhere whether he’s wearing a uniform or not. And rumor has it he’ll find his way just fine. He’s kind of a big deal when it comes to geography. I mean, he found his way to the studio and his photo session. Very positive signs.

Alecia – Thank you so much for bringing the boys my way. What a treat to work with you again and to spend time with some stellar gents. Bennett - Thanks so much for coming my way for seniors! I had a blast, and your images are as solid as your geography skills. If you ever need someone for your 4x400 relay team, I’ll be there . . . to take photographs! Have a great senior year, and good luck with your college decision and in all you do!


We had a great time working with Camden on her senior session! She was up for several different locations, and we got to start things off on her ‘home away from home’; the track. She brought a closet-full of running shoes and medals, so I knew she meant business. So cool to get to incorporate these into her shoot to show off her love of running and competing.

Another thing we absolutely had to include in her session was her Jeep; and man, did she and her Jeep look amazing in the shots! Pulled right up to the water and watched a spectacular sunset; and we captured it all in the images. Great variety and a beautiful young lady made for some fantastic images.

We had the pleasure of working with her brother on his Seniors, and now Camden is the latest to grace us with her presence in front of the lens. Thank you so much, Mike and Shonda! It has been a pleasure working with you, and I hope you are loving Camden’s images.

After high school, Camden is planning to head to college for a bachelor’s degree in creative writing and a minor in French. Camden loves to travel, and one of her biggest goals is being able to travel often and to a variety of places.

We wish you nothing but the best during the rest of your senior year and beyond, Camden! Thanks so much for working with us on your senior images this year. Enjoy!


Talented, fun young man! And so well rounded! This guy pays water polo and soccer, carries an incredible tune, lights up the stage, plays a mean flute, and keeps the high school marching band under control from the podium. Wow!

Of his many childhood memories, one of his favorites is the time he swam with the dolphins on one of his family’s vacations. Noah has always loved the water, and dolphins always fascinated him as a child. Noah says it was a really amazing experience to get to be so close to one and learn about their behaviors.

More recently, Noah had his favorite high school memory when he and the group Spectrum went to Nashville last year. Along with getting to compete on an extremely prestigious stage, Noah was able to hang out with and get to know a lot of amazing people. He is so grateful for that opportunity and won't forget the moments he shared with his friends.

Last summer, Noah was able to travel to France for 2 weeks as a part of a cultural and regional exploration. It was truly amazing, and he got to meet some amazing friends that he was able to make lasting memories with. While in France he got to experience a variety of foods, cultural traditions, and actually experience the region that he had been studying for 4 years. Awesomeness!

After graduation, Noah plans to attend Iowa State or UNI to pursue a master’s degree in either Accounting or Finance. With his talent, positive attitude, and so many life experiences to draw from, there is no doubt Noah will succeed. I look forward to capturing more images of Noah throughout the rest of his high school career through his music performances.

Corey and Julie: thank you so much for entrusting me with your Noah’s senior images! We hope you enjoy them for years to come! Noah: All the best to you for the remainder of your high school career and beyond! See you at the next performance!


Lovely! Such a lovely young lady, and such a pleasure to work with. Isabella, you rock! Waukee Northwest is lucky to have you! The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Isabella’s mom is one in a million. Thanks, Sarah, for family images, Charles’ seniors, and now Isabella’s Seniors!

I had the pleasure of capturing big brother Charles’ images what seems like only yesterday. Some of Isabella’s best memories have been growing up with her big brother. He’s her bestie and has been throughout her entire life. They did everything together and remain close as he’s away at Iowa State.

During high school, Isabella has met some of the most amazing friends; many of them during varsity cheerleading during her junior year. She’s also made amazing friends while working at Home Sweet Cone during high school. She’s loved working there.

After graduating from Waukee Northwest, Isabella will spend life’s next chapter in college majoring in Chemistry on a pre-med track. And so many possibilities for this young lady; she’s been to 45 of the 50 states. Wherever she goes, we know she’ll be extraordinary!

Thanks so much, Isabella. We wish you nothing but the best!


Kyle was such a pleasure to work with! And he knows his way around the lens, as you can see from his images. Very comfortable in front of a camera, and we got a nice variety and some great photographs!

Kyle has enjoyed hunting with his father every December through most of his childhood. No matter how cold or wet it was, they were always chasing after bucks that were "THIS BIG" and finding new ways to get vehicles not suitable for off-road use into sticky situations. He will never forget the experience of adrenaline when he shot his first deer. Kyle notes that, perhaps more special than the opportunity to go outdoors was the chance to see his dad's family up north. They lodged in his grandparents' home for the evenings and shared dinners with his cousins. To quote Kyle, it’s “definitely a ‘warm, good-feely’ collection of memories.”

Following high school, Kyle will be attending Iowa State University for a degree in Mechanical Engineering, as well as pursuing some further research opportunities during his enrollment. He looks forward to diving into AI simulated design, which creates mechanical structures akin to those found in nature. He also may be working on the integration of 3d printing into various industries that are currently limited by conventional manufacturing methods, such as construction and automotive design. Aside from academics, he looks forward to being involved in the Salt Company campus ministry, Honors program, intermural activities, clubs, and outdoor adventures. Kyle knows that college is more than just post-secondary education; it's where many people get the chance to flourish and find their full individuality.

Thanks so much, Kyle, for entrusting us with your senior images and experience. We enjoyed the time and hope you will cherish your images and high school memories for many years to come. Congratulations, and best of luck!


What a treat! This young lady is kind, sweet, and lovely! We had such a great evening with Allie during her Senior session! I know she makes Mom and Dad (and West Des Moines Valley) proud! Thanks for coming to us from the land of the Tigers and for spending the evening in front of the lens!

Allie can sing a tune and from what I’m told can really hold her own on the bowling alley! Every image with her was striking. I did not challenge her to a singing dual ala ‘The Voice’, but I’m certain I’d have had my work cut out for me.

Allie loves spending time with family and friends. Once her high school career is finished, she plans to move on to collegiate studies. In the fall, Allie will continue her education studying psychology and elementary education. With her winning smile and kindness, there’s no doubt she will have a bright future.

Thank you, Allie, and Tom and Kristin for entrusting us with your senior experience and images. We are honored! Best of luck next year and in all you do, Allie!


This guys images are Grahamtastic! Ethan is as comfortable in front of the camera as he is on the golf course and on his boards. He loves to snowboard! And because there was now snow available, he shared his other passion. FlowRiding! Very cool! Reminds me of boogie boarding but with the convenience of doing it in his hometown. No beach or ocean required for Ethan to tame the waves. He is masterful! It was fun to watch him laying down and standing on the board. Dude nailed it!

He’s at home on the golf course as well. Several very cool shots of him teeing up and putting that I’m sure he’d be willing to share anytime. Ethan and his family rock! I had the pleasure capturing big brother’s seniors and will be putting little brother in the viewfinder during the his upcoming performances this season.

After graduation, Ethan will show his rebellious side. He’ll be heading north to Iowa State to study engineering and will be the only Iowa Stater in a family of Hawkeyes! Should make for some fun and good natured conversations around the dinner table and at family gatherings.

Ethan, thank you so much! And thank you, Brad and Tracy. Always a pleasure and an honor to work with you and your amazing family! All the best to you, Ethan! Enjoy the rest of your senior year and as you move on to Iowa State for life’s next chapter!


This Class of 2023 Spotlight shows off a multi-talented athlete who joins us from Ankeny Centennial. Name a sport, and Nick likely plays it! We got to join him on the track, on the baseball diamond, and on the football field; three of his favorite places to be! He’s a natural in sports and, as it turns out, he’s a master in chilling in front of the lens for some great images. A relaxed shoot with some fun locations, as we wrapped up the evening near the water; another place he loves to be both on and off the Jet Ski! And when the water’s frozen, this guy can hold his own on the ice, too. He’s a very good ice skater. Who knew?!

Sports are nothing new for Nick. Some of his favorite childhood memories are playing back yard sports with the neighborhood kids. These same ‘kids’ remain some of Nick’s good friends. A more recent sports memory includes a game against Johnston in the sub state final. Nick and company tied Johnston in the top of the 7th making for an exciting finish. While the outcome isn’t what Nick had hoped for, the lead up to the bottom of the 7th proved both fun and rewarding. Job well done for Nick and his Jag teammates!

Nick will be attending Iowa State in the fall of 2023. Rest assured he’ll get plenty of skating and ball games in between now and then! Thanks so much, Nick! We loved working with you and wish you nothing but the best!